Thursday, September 19, 2013

Reading Wrap-Up: Evidence

We are really enjoying our first novel study with Charlotte's Web! Many students have read this book before or have had the book read to them. But, when we use it to learn our 3rd grade standards, it is different! We have been diving into the following topics: questioning, character feelings versus characer traits, how the main character's life has changed from chapters 1-2 to chapter 3, plot structure, using text features to increase comprehension, and showing evidence or citing text.

Here is an example from class that your child can use as a model for answering a question about their text, in paragraph form (complete sentences), restating a question to begin an answer, making an inference, giving supporting evidence from the text (with page numbers), and directly quoting (citing) the text.

This is a great example of what you should see your child doing when discussing text and writing about text.

Happy citing!
Mrs. Coleman

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